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Ballistic Design Lead. Co Producer. Website Developer. Localization.

Hi, Im Brayden. I have helped shape and lead the design for Ballistic with concepts and work flow, making several maps and key prototypes. I also localized the game by adding support for Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish (so far).

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The Music Man

Hey, I'm Ben Daly. I'm BALLISTIC's composer and resident music man. I've been making music on computers for over a decade now, and I also design games too. When I'm not doing any of that stuff, I'm probably making a video essay or something. My favorite composer is a toss-up between Takenobu Mitsuyoshi and Kazumi Totaka. I love this team -- they make game dev so much fun!

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Prototyping and Playtesting.

Hi I am Gabe! I helped with some prototyping and book keeping

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Animation and Rigging

Nico is a 22-year-old 3D Animator & Game Designer with a keen eye for detail. Proficient in both Maya Autodesk and Blender, he is a strong asset for any team. Alongside his passion for games, he is an accomplished pianist with over 17 years of experience under his belt.

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Programmer. Tools Lead. Sound Intregation. Player Controller

Hi, I am Gordon! I was one of the programmers on this project that helped with sound integration and the player controller

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Production Lead. Character Designer. Level Developer. Animator.

Hey! I'm Aaron, the Production Lead for Ballistic. My role revolves around guiding the team to meet deadlines and maintaining the scope of our game. I've embraced many sub-roles, including character artist, ragdolling, map/level designer, and more. Designing levels has been the most enjoyable aspect for me, as I believe it plays a crucial role in shaping the experience of our game.

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UI Designer

Hi I am Adrian! I was the creator of all the UI art for the game!

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Programmer, UI integration

Hi I am Mia. I helped with UI integration!

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Shader and Graphics Integration and Design. Effects.

I'm Joost/"Will", the Technical Art Lead for Ballistic. I crafted our game's signature visual style through graphics programming, including a custom technique for our charming toon aesthetic. Additionally, I designed VFX and collaborated closely with our artists on lighting and asset development. Every aspect of my role brought me joy, from shaders to VFX to lighting.

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Engine Lead. Main Programmer. Network Specialist. MVP.

I'm Tony, the team's lead programmer. I was responsible for creating the multiplayer code for Ballistic. I've also really enjoy creating development tools for my team members, and engineering the foundational components of our game.

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Sound Guy. Level Dev.

I'm Sean Lee, the Sound/Music Lead for Ballistic. I created all of the sounds in the game from sound effects, to the music. This was my very first time creating sounds/music for a game and had a very fun time doing so. I used all kinds of things to create the sounds from my voice, random objects, instruments, and much more.